Visionary projects
Research and design in brand new areas, going from zero to one.
Product and system that support outpatients and clinicians by monitoring and facilitating the conversation to provide precision care 24/7. (This is a password-protect project)
Fishwish™ is a mobile app that strives to disrupt the food scene by offering a new way to empower eco-eaters to make more sustainable choices.
Designed an interactive online tool that reflects the health of the city of Buffalo, and communicated the different ways in which MutualCity interacts with and positively impacts the city and people of Buffalo, NY.
Surveyed parents attitudes on vaccination; created a card game to facilitate conversation around vaccination issues.
Homing Pigeon was designed to assist abused women who are not able to call for help in an emergency and to help others notice them when they need someone to give them a hand.
Moo! is a board game used in the classroom to teach high school students ethics, how to create sustainable food chains, educate how food is made, and on purchasing decisions around food.
Optimization + Visual dESIGN projects
Optimize (Redesign) existing products or services, going from 1 to 10
A new digital org chart to help foster collaboration and break silos
This APP was built to replace the print agenda and provide prompt information updated for the conference.
We re-branded the school and created a storytelling toolkit which included their narratives, visual identity, website, and video for the future fundraising.
Visual Communication Projects
Create appealing visuals that enhance the communication and convey compelling messages
Used data visualization to show that the social and environmental impact of companies is important to think about when deciding where to invest or how to analyze a company.
Created an animation and infographics to amplify findings, recommendations, and defined models from the Evaluation Report of 2014-17 UNWomen ESARO Capacity Development Initiatives
This category shows the selected work I have done for the United Nations Development Programme, which includes graphics, infographics, print and layout design.
Mapped out the cocoa value chain and uplifted the challenges, supporters in the ecosystem, and recommendations for actions.
Operational Projects
Design and develop initiatives, ie. program and system, that augment the team’s impact.
Introduced new methods, operations, and management tools to bring participatory and lean design approaches to developing new programs to tackle injustices faced by women and youth.
Need an experienced expert to facilitate a design sprint workshop for your team? Or are you looking for a specialist to design a sleek and friendly product along with exceptional customer experience?